Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Blog Post #6 Sensory Impairments

Tools for Students with sensory impairments.

This is a guide for teachers who can use different tools for students with sensory impairments.
Students who have a low vision impairment can use a simple tool called a pocket magnifier it allows students to magnify reading material to assist them in the reading process.  You can find these at a local Walmart for around six dollars.

Students who have hearing impairments can use a tool that all schools with students with disability should have in place called Automatic Speech Recognition. It allows to speaker to wear a headset microphone that is connected to a computer, the AST program recognize his/her voice and translate the spoken message into text that is displayed on to a screen monitor. This helps you as a teacher easily understand your children.

Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 & PowerMic III

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